Monday, December 1, 2008

Guns, Germs, and Steel part 2

I was interested in today's activity; reading and discussing examples of blogs, engaging in the Connect-Extend-Challenge thinking routine, and putting up yet another headline on our Wall of Thought. I'm looking forward to reading the students' posts to their blogs and the comments they make on their classmates'.

The one dimension of the movie, based on Jared Diamond's book of the same name, that I found interesting was his thought, research, and discussion about the domestication of animals and the importance they had in the advancement of civilization. My thinking was extended when he worked his way through the numerous species of animals on earth and determined that there were only 14 successfully domesticated herbivores. 14! And that 4 of them; cow, sheep, pig, and goat, all were found in the Fertile Crescent. Baffling.

To use the vernacular of 6th graders, it's really cool that he had a question that he researched and discovered some cool information and made some really cool conclusions! Good fun!

Well. Once again, I'm off to the store for some domesticated chicken to eat with my domesticated tomatoes and lettuce. Hopefully the bakery will still be open so that I can buy some bread made from, you guessed it, domesticated wheat, butter, oil, and eggs! Wait....does this mean that I am domesticated too?!?!?!?

Happy night, all.

1 comment:

woodward said...

I love how your students are wrestling with the essential question of geography's impact on civilization and culture. Was the development of the fertile crescent merely an act of geographical fortune?

As for Mr. McQueen being domesticated -- hard to imagine.